Built to Joel White's design at his Brooklyn Boatyard 1980-81 on commision from a wealthy Bostonian. The buyer brought an article fron 12/1927 Rudder magazineby Gidge Gandy extoling the virtues of Cynosure, ex Fundulus a 36' ketch built 14 years earlier to the plans of Wm. H. Hand. The article included some sketches that Joel from which could work. A then employee,Harry Brand, was so impressed with the sea trials he asked for the plans and went home to Canada to build a sister ship, the Patience B. which he sailed alone with wife and two small children to the Pacific and back. The Patience B.was then sold to a fellow who took his wife and young daughter to Europe and then through the Straights of Magellan and back to Maine. Not being an accomplished off shore sailor I was impressed by this and bought Alisande14 years ago and cruised her as far as Eastport and Grand Manan.She is comfortable in a seaway and does not pound beating into a Penobscot Bay chop. Being gaff rigged she does not point as high as a high aspect marconi rig but will run dead down wind wing on wing with hands off the tiller for periods of 5" or more close hauled or wing on wing dead down wind.
Her 5 hand crafted spars and masts are finished bright with subtle tapered ends, rarely seen in today's mass production world.